NATURACENTIALS Natural Feminine Wash


PRICE: 300Php |

NEW from the Personal Care Division!

The World’s First Natural Feminine Wash with Negative Ions!

Natural Active Ingredients

elemi oil


Elemi oil is made from the gum or resin of the Elemi Tree.  This tree is native in the Philippines. Among its many properties, it is an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiseptic plant oil.

It is also used for the following: muscle and nerve pain; infections of the respiratory system such as bronchitis, coughs; urinary tract infection; rashes (allergic).

It benefits different skin conditions as it flattens scars, removes visible wrinkles, soothes chapped skin, relieves acne, balances sebum secretions, controls perspiration and promotes skin rejuvenation.

guava leaf extract


Most of us know about the health benefits of guava fruit. But we are unaware of the fact that even guava leaves have several medicinal properties and offer an array of health benefits. Being packed with antioxidants, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agents and beneficial tannins, fresh guava leaves are considered as a natural pain reliever. The chemicals contained in these leaves such as polyphenols, carotenoids, flavonoids and tannins can be extremely effective in treating various diseases. (art. Stylecraze.com)

Guava leaf extract is one of the active ingredient of Naturacentials Natural Feminine Wash. It provides the following health benefits:

1. Treatment of Wounds and Infections:

Guava leaves have great healing properties that can treat wounds such as cuts, impact abrasion etc. The antibacterial agents prevent infection and reduce inflammation of the uterus to accelerate the healing of wounds.

2. Anti-ageing Benefits:                                      

Guava leaves contain antioxidants which destroy the free radicals that damage your skin, thus protecting your skin from ageing as well as improving skin tone and texture.

3. Relieves Itching:

Skin itching can lead to serious problem if not treated immediately. Guava leaves are an instant cure for getting rid of itchiness as they contain allergy-blocking compounds.

aloe vera


Modern clinical studies show that aloe is one of the best herbs for soothing skin and healing burns, rashes, frostbite, and severe wounds.  Aloe is found commercially in a number of creams and lotions for softening and moisturizing the skin. Cleopatra applied the gel to her body as part of her beauty regimen. It is known to reverse signs of skin aging and wrinkles.

Aloe Vera is also used to treat minor vaginal irritations. It produces at least six natural antiseptics, which are able to kill mold, bacteria, fungi, and viruses.

negative ion


Each negative ion strip in every bottle of Naturacentials Natural Feminine/Masculine Wash contains 6,300 negative ions per cubic cm.

What are negative ions? They are atoms or particles in our body and the surrounding environment that may be responsible when you feel a great sense of wellbeing when walking in a forest, by a lake or on the beach, near a waterfall or in fresh snow.  On the other hand, when there are more positive ions in the air, you feel tired and stressed like in a crowded room or a polluted city.

Lack of negative ions produces headaches, poor concentrations, allergies and depression.

The negative ions are activated once it comes in contact with liquid. So, with every use of Naturacentials Natural Feminine/Masculine Wash not only are you free from allergens, fungi and bacteria but also you experience relaxing clean!

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